Cats are notorious for not wanting to drink. One day they drink from the bowl, and then suddenly… Nope. It can only be from a ceramic bowl made from the finest bone china with gilded edges.

Ok, it’s not that extreme, but it does happen. Your cat has decided it doesn’t want to drink anymore, so what do you do?

cat drinking water from bowl
Photo by Carolien van Oijen

Is their bowl clean?

Water bowls, even when changed daily, will develop Biofilm. Biofilm is a build-up of bacteria from particulates and saliva that attach to the edge of your cat’s water bowl. This can often change the taste and lead your cat to look for other water sources. Most probably your bathroom or kitchen taps.

A regular wipe of their bowl will remove this nasty film.

Material matters.

Cats are individual with their preferences. Some cats like metal, some like ceramic, and others prefer fountains. If your cat has decided they won’t drink from their bowl the material could be the cause.

Different materials change the flavour of water. It’s true. If your cat has a ceramic bowl, they may prefer a stainless steel bowl instead. Having multiple bowls at hand is the best solution to why your cat isn’t drinking.

a black and white cat drinking water from a pond
Photo by iggii

Should I get a water fountain for my cat?

Short answer? Yes.

Cats can’t see standing water. This is due to their difficulty with short vision. So a water fountain gives them an easier option to drink. Additionally, water fountains often come with filters which keep the water fresher and cleaner for longer, which requires fewer refills – a win-win.

Is there something wrong with my cat?

Cats don’t drink a lot as it is, and as I’ve stated previously they are notorious for drinking. The likelihood is no, there is nothing wrong. As long as your cat drinks something.

If they’ve stopped drinking completely. It’s best to call a vet. Cats can go for a couple of days without drinking but the stress this causes on their organs from dehydration isn’t worth the risk. If you are worried add water to their meals, especially if they’re on a dry diet.


Remember, every cat is different. While these tips can help you understand and address common reasons for your cat’s drinking habits, it’s essential to observe your cat’s individual preferences and needs. If you’re still concerned about your cat’s hydration, don’t hesitate to consult with a veterinarian.

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